What does S.W.A.G. mean?
It all started when…
Our president of the company, Kershel Anthony, was looking for words for S.W.A.G. he realized that there were more negative words than positive. He then found an article that claimed Negative Words Dominated our Language. The article stated that regardless of age or culture, we have far more words in our vocabulary that express negative rather than positive emotions*.
kershel wanted to design a name that gave people the opportunity to create their own positive message within our message.
Instead of creating what each letter stands for, we wanted to give every person the power to create their meaning of S.W.A.G.
Each letter of S.W.A.G. stands for a word that you are. Below are a list of words that you can choose for your S.W.A.G. definition .
After you have created your custom message, tag us on social media and share what S.W.A.G. Means for you!
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